KYOSHO ORIGINAL 1/18scale Toyota Land Cruiser 60 with optional parts (Blue) [No.KS08956XBL]
本物を知るヘビーユーザーからルックスに惚れた若者層まで根強い人気を誇るクロカンがランドクルーザー60。デビューは1980年で生産終了が1990年なので、古いものだと車歴は40年以上。クラシックカーなSUVが今なお支持されるのは街中からアウトドアまでどんな使い方にも応えるタフさがあること。そして、あらゆる場面で映え、様になるからではないでしょうか!? 今回は2021年に再販した丸目の前期型(1980年式)にオーストラリアを代表するオフロードパーツブランド「ARB」を軸とした機能パーツを加えたカスタム仕様。エクステリアの強固なガードに大型のフォグランプ、ルーフキャリアや特徴的なシュノーケルなど、オフ感を高める数多くのアイテムを加えました。さらに車高を少し上げ、ゴツゴツとしたオールテレーンタイヤを装着するなど、ヘビーデューティなスタイルに仕立てています。カラーバリエーションはベージュとブルーを設定。

ARB front bumper with animal guard wrap around the sides of the car. Other options include large light and winch that uses wire for its last wind to recreate the intrepid realism of the original.

Roof carrier (trade roof rack) essential for remote camping is included. The two-way tilt type makes it easier to load and secure long items and while the pipe curve is a thing of beauty, you can feel its hunger for outdoor punishment.

Tires are chassis suspended to rear fixed type. While the wheels are classic 40 series design, the tires have been enlarged. An auxiliary fuel tank with mount is added on the driver's side while the rear bumper uses a simple bar shape.

This was the first Land Cruiser to incorporate a 4-cylinder 3.4-liter diesel. With dramatic advances in molding technology, the characteristics of each part can be fully expressed, from large parts such as the main body and air cleaner to precision details such as hose mesh and bolt heads.

The square meter hood and cliff instrument panel are features of the previous model and due to its simplicity, the precision of the manufacturing process is clear to see. The interior features a soft two-tone brown and beige color scheme that creates a recreational feel so you can enjoy the world according to Land Cruiser.

The weather strip enhances the airtightness around the door and the fuzzy cargo mat recreates the texture. Rather than simply scaling down the original, this model seeks to capture the personality and atmosphere of this iconic Land Cruiser.